Organic Rice paper

Spring rolls are the most pop­u­lar Asian fin­ger­food. With Bich Chi Or­ganic Rice Paper, it is easy and quick to pre­pare. Typ­i­cal fill­ings for the light spe­cialty are veg­eta­bles such as car­rots, white cab­bage, sprouts or even rice noo­dles. Try the rolls cold as sum­mer rolls or fried as spring rolls.

     gi cun 1    

The product has been certified according to USDA / NOP and EU standards by Control Unionanica and is currently a consumer trend.

logo organic


The use to roll spring roll, dish make of raw fish and vegetables roll...

Nutritional information & ingredients


Organic rice 10%, Organic tapioca starch 89.7% and salt 0.3%.

Not used preservative substance

Nutrition Facts
Carbohydrat 75-85%
Protein 0.5-2%
Lipid 0,1-1%